Map of Sites

Independence Hall


Inscribed 1979

The Declaration of Independence was adopted and the Constitution of the United States of America framed in this Philadelphia building. The universal principles of freedom and democracy set forth in these two documents have had a profound impact on lawmakers and political thinkers around the world. They became the models for similar charters of other nations, and may be considered to have heralded the modern era of government.

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Goods, ideas, and people intermingled in early Philadelphia.  In this diverse city, a new republic was born.  The Declaration of Independence and U.S. Constitution were both debated and signed inside Independence Hall.  Nearby sits the Liberty Bell, an international symbol of liberty.

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This statue of Washington was cast by Roman Bronze Works of New York City after a mold was cast of the first statute by Samuel A. Murray in 1910. 

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On the reverse side of the $100 dollar bill, you will find Independence Hall. The $100 bill is the largest denomination that has been printed since July 13, 1969.

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Use this map to make sure you visit all of these locations. Stop by the Independence Visitor Center at 6th and Market Streets on the day of your visit to pick up paper maps.